Social Attributions

Hello Curious Sole (D’ya see what I did there?) We understand. There was a link. It’s impossible not to click it. But there is nothing of interest here. Just an attempt to keep our creativity legal and to give those who genuinely do have creative talent the recognition they deserve.

Rep Manager Post (misc media platforms) 04.06.2019 – Heel that pain Plantar Fasciitis picture

Facebook/instagram Post – 17.05.2019 – Ancient armenian shoe –

Facebook/instagram Post – 10.05.2019 – Egyptian Prosthetic Toe – Matjaž Kačičnik/University of Basel, LHTT (circa

Facebook Post – 20.03.2019 – Happy Feet! –

Facebook/instagram Post – 08.03.2019 – Modified photos – mammoth / shoes. Not endorsed by owner.

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